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E-Zine Articles

E-Zine Articles

1. Our Perilous World - Connected But Not Coordinated
We are living in perilous times. This article discusses the dangers we are currently facing as a result of the world having grown connected within itself, without a commensurate increase in coordination and cooperation. The conclusion is drawn that we must move forward beyond this present condition, rising above the personal beliefs and judgments which keep us from working together toward achievement of our common objectives.

2. A Better Version of Capitalism
How can we create a superior form of capitalism? This article presents the benefits and disadvantages of our present form of capitalism and proposes a powerful new approach that maintains and even amplifies the benefits of our current system while eliminating its disadvantages.

3. Anatomy of a Global Economic Miracle
The New Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines a miracle as "an unusual event, thing, or accomplishment: a wonder or marvel". What then might be the characteristics of a present day economic miracle? The answer begins with a statement of our current economic situation.

4. Global Economic Optimization - Maximizing Collaboration in the Business Sphere
The challenges the world is now facing threaten the very survival of mankind. Downward spiraling national economies are crying for our immediate attention, but not far in the future we will be forced to address serious socio-ecological issues gathering like storm clouds on the horizon. We must find a means for creating the enormous volume of additional wealth that will be required to address our challenges. Fortunately there is vast unrealized potential in the world's business sphere.