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For almost 40 years, Warren Bellis has worked as a strategic consultant in the field of corporate mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures (M&A).  Throughout his career Warren has specialized in the area of M&A related synergy, the proverbial 1+1=3 that results when the joining of two or more businesses produces a combined worth that exceeds the mere sum of their individual stand alone values.  Through his long-term deep and comprehensive study of synergy, Warren has grasped the keys to its successful application in the field of M&A, as well as the broader implications and capabilities of the phenomenon itself.  Beyond the extra value that can be achieved through M&A transactions, the dynamics of synergy can be used to achieve maximum efficiency, balance, and harmony in other fields of life. 

Applying the principles of synergy to the global business sphere, Warren has conceived of a new economic approach called Global Economic Optimization (GEO) that is capable of generating vast additional wealth while maximizing socio-ecological balance and harmony.  GEO calls for this additional wealth to be used to:

Solve the world's serious economic and socio-ecological problems
Fund development of the technologies, products, and services of the future
Raise corporate earnings to levels not possible with our current approach
Create countless new jobs in heretofore neglected areas of pursuit
In light of our current serious challenges, Warren is dedicating himself to the popularization of GEO as a means of ensuring our survival and progress in life.